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  • No-code, Low-code, Conventional development

No-code, Low-code, Conventional development

5 mins read
May 4, 2023

Modern software development has seen advancements that have made building applications much easier for trained developers. Now the development time has been shortened and development processes can be streamlined for more efficiency. Non-coders have been granted access to the coding world too. The advent of the no-code era is making software development a more open and accessible industry for those without programming backgrounds. Although there are limitations in software development for those using no-code platforms there still remains important utility. There is a time and place to implement the use of no-code. For those who are intrigued by the new technology there should be some distinction between the different types of software development and their use-cases.

What is no-code?

Created due to a global shortage of software developers, no-code uses preset blocks of code in a drag and drop functionality that allows users to build applications without the need of having a software development background. This helps give a visual representation of an app. No-code development doesn’t provide any access to code for the user.

What is low-code?

Low-code platforms allow users to use limited amounts of code to develop software. Pre-written code is placed in blocks that users can arrange how they see fit. They can also modify these blocks to meet specific needs. Low-code targets coders who want to use tools to move faster in the development process.

What is traditional software development?

Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software development is the activities that develop those instructions and the deployment of that software. Traditional software development allows coders and programmers to make tailor-made products with limitless potential. It takes years of practice to become a functional software developer, but the application of development skills has led to the evolution of technology and business in our lifetimes.

When should no-Code be used?

No-code development should be used by entrepreneurs or non-coders to develop a mock or prototype of a software application. This application should be made for use by a limited number of people and not for a long-term goal of scaling. By presenting a prototype to investors or interested parties a creator and showcase their ideas in a tangible form. This method is cost effective for any start-up founder’s budget because a third party runs and maintains the technology.

The downside to a third-party having control over the software is that a user is susceptible to any vulnerabilities or bugs that may persist. They must wait for the no-code platform to fix the issues. There is also a great lack of customization. The software development is arranged and pre-built so there are limitations on creativity.

Low-code development enters the picture when developers want to move quickly and still produce quality software. They understand that projects take time to build and even more time to scale. By using a low-code solution developers can cut development time in half and make functional software. The applications may have larger user capacity than software developed with no-code solutions.

When should traditional software development be used?

Traditional software development allows software developers with coding backgrounds to create anything they imagine. Development timeframes range from 2 months to a year depending on the complexity of the project and require teams of developers to get the job done. Projects that intend to grow and require complex features are built using traditional software development methods.

What comes with the complexity of traditional software development is a costly service. Fees for software development can be as high as six to seven figures. These projects must be managed by a diligent team who is patient and thorough. The timelines for these projects take a long time to complete. They can range from a couple months to years. Delays often take place because of poor talent, late payments and unforeseen issues.


Be sure to build a platform using tools that best suit your needs. No-code and low-code platforms will help you build projects quickly and cost-effectively. They will look like and perform the necessary functions needed to present your new business or app. Traditional software development allows you to build very complex platforms and scale in a creative and manageable way. It will cost more to use traditional software development teams than it would to use no-code platforms but you will be in complete control of the direction your software goes.

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